Create the perfect cozy kit
Posted by Walter Lyng on Aug 18, 2022

We get told all the time that it’s important to prepare and always be ready for emergencies, disasters, and surprise visits from the in-laws. And while there’s plenty of instructions out there on what to include in a general emergency kit, there’s far less literature available on how to put a cozy kit together. Such a kit would really come in handy any time the family is feeling a little blue or restless or when other plans fall through, like the annual BBQ bash getting rained out. Get a wicker basket or one of those big plastic hoarder bins and fill it with some or all of these items so you can be ready to go into cozy mode whenever you need to!
The situation: No access to streaming services
The Cozy Kit item: A binder of old DVDs
A lot of people will tell you that DVDs have gone the way of the dinosaur but they’re still making them and you probably have a bunch kicking around and taking up space. If you’re not especially tied to box art, you can take all those DVDs out of the case and put them into the kind of binders that we used to keep CDs in (explain to your children if they ask). If you want to go really nuts, you can even include a small, inexpensive DVD player with necessary power cord and HDMI cable. Great for when the streaming services go down.
The situation: Family is feeling bored and competitive
The Cozy Kit item: Board games
Nothing says family bonding like screaming at your dad for somehow ALWAYS getting Boardwalk AND Park Place. Seriously though, when technology fails, board games and puzzles will always be there to provide a structured and heavily competitive activity that multiple people can distract themselves with for hours at a time.
The situation: Kids need a QUIET activity to pass the time
The Cozy Kit item: Books
Throw a couple of classic paperback novels in the kit for adults and some picture books for the kids. Even if they are books you’ve read before, a familiar story can provide a special kind of comfort that nothing else can. And maybe the power will be back on before you make it to the end…
The situation: Canceled plans because of inclement weather
The Cozy Kit item: Photo albums
As the tail end of the hurricane rips through your neck of the woods, causing the weekend soccer tournament to be canceled, it might be the perfect time to break out the family photo album for everyone to check out. Kids love to look through old photos because they’re like treasures from a past they never knew or might not remember. It’s a great bonding experience for the whole family, presuming there’s no photos from your college days in there.
The situation: A tumultuous evening
The Cozy Kit item: New pajamas
This one is obvious. Although, you can still treat yourself with a bit of advance planning. Put some brand-new PJ sets into the cozy kit so that when you do have to bust it out for some glum reason, you’ll be greeted by some sleepwear you’ve never even gotten to try on before. Bonus points if it’s a matching set for the whole family! Christmas is saved!
The situations: A bad case of the munchies
The Cozy Kit item: Nonperishable snacks
Snacks make basically any situation better. You waited forever for food to be delivered only for the order to be canceled and now the whole family is cranky and complaining? Cozy kit time! Put some nuts in there if no one has allergy issues, or maybe some Goldfish crackers or anything you like really, so long as it doesn’t turn into a moldy surprise in a few months.
The situation: A sudden drop in temperature / impromptu picnic / pillow fort emergency
The Cozy Kit item: A blanket
Blankets are a staple of any emergency kit and so there should definitely be one in your cozy kit. An old blanket is both comforting in its familiarity and incredibly versatile. That blanket can also be used for picnics, pillow forts or even to project a movie onto. And best of all, if the blanket is big enough, the whole family can get cozy together as the apocalypse continues outside.
A cozy kit may sound silly or like something you don’t really need to keep around, but it’s ultimately just an easy way to improve the mood for you and your family during an otherwise tense or stressful situation. Check out some of our favorite brands or our onesies to be the first item in your kit.